Multiple nand support for different region games.USB Access for HOMEBREW (see historii.txt for important notices).Upper and bottom toolbars with icons for accessing common command.Direct shortcut for SettingEditor GUI and WiiMod.wiiload update: If you send postLoader.dol via wiiload, postloader installation will be updated (after confirmation).Support for Wiimote and GC controllers.Support costom splash screen (only from SD device).Autoboot your default application/channel: If you don't press (A) in time to enter in interactive mode, postLoader will launch the predefined app (if enabled).If started from priiloader it gains AHPBROT and spawn full hardware rights to homebrew applications (with system menu 4.3 it seems that priiloader can't pass AHBPROT.postLoader MUST exist on the root of SD, and SD must be inside the Wii.If you wish, you can remove neekbooter.dol from the SD.Run your NEEK environment pressing "reset" to enter in neek priiloader.If you wish, you can remove priibooterGUI.dol from the SD.ī) neek2o/UNEEK - priiloader extension via priibooterGUI.Select settings -> Return to: Autoboot.Select settings -> Autoboot: Installed File.Select "Load/Install file" from priiloader menu.Enter in priiloader pressing "reset" when you turn on your Wii.Copy to your SD root priibooterGUI.dol.Install to your SD or USB /apps/postloader like any homebrew.Anyway you can get the best from it in these ways:Ī) Real Wii - priiloader extension via priibooterGUI (Suggested)

PostLoader can be executed like any Wii homebrew. Designed for stability and performance.