You can orbit around the generated figure and change the color, but the the ability to export the 3d figure is not currently available. This web site offers sliders to set known measurements and predict others to generate a body composition model. To generate this reference we use the Body Visualizer tool, created by a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Our first hurdle was figuring out a way to get a reliable reference for body composition if given some known information (height/weight). It is not a trivial task to pose and import these realistic figures into SketchUp. ShapeCoder: A new method for visual quantification of body mass index in young children. However, there are occasions where realistic human features, such as a specific race, age, or body composition are critical to a story. An establish behavior of capital markets is the absence of a body of positive micro- economic theory dealing with conditions of risk. Change the body shape by intuitively adjusting a few predictors such as stature, BMI, and the ratio of erect sitting height to stature. We like these generic human figures because they are easy to adjust in real time when working in SketchUp, while ignoring facial expressions, hair, clothing, and other issues that could easily distract an audience.